
Housing Services

thru: Dunn Tower Apartments

Provides apartments for seniors and/or individuals who are disabled services include:
  • Recreation and social opportunities
  • Shuttle to Wegmans
  • Organized trips
  • Lunch programs only dunn tower 1
  • "I'm OK Program"
    • Tenants are able to check in by displaying cards on their doors each day to let volunteers know that they are healthy and do not require any medical or other assistance.

Eligibility: Ages 62 years and older. Age 18 or older with a physical/mobility disability and meet income guidelines. Age 18 or older with a mobility and mental disability and meet income guidelines. Dunn Tower II.

Application Process: Call or visit office.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Rent fees vary. Call for information.

Coverage Note: Monroe County. No one is turned away as long as they meet the requirements.


This program is offered here:

Dunn Tower Apartments

Map Marker 1
100-200 Dunn Tower Drive
Rochester NY 14606
(100 Dunn Tower Drive)
(200 Dunn Tower Drive)
M-F 10:0AM-12:00PM, 1:00PM-3:00PM.
Bus Service:
Public transportation available.


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Program Categories

Congregate Living Facilities

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